Mengenai Saya

Foto saya
Nama saya Uphy. saya sekarang baru menginjak kelas X di SMA Negeri 2 kota bengkulu. tepatnya dikelas X SBI C. orang banyak bilang sih saya orangnya setia kawan, #keprok-keprok. dan sya ga suka yang ribet-ribet. hobby saya sih dulunya maen catur sama ayah. tapi sekarang ga lagi. karena ga ada waktu buat maen. tugas menumpuk sangat. kadang, udah pulang sekolah langsung bongkar lappy nyari tugas. jam 12 baru tidur habis nyelesein tugas. pagi musti bangun. ga kaya smp dulu. ku bisa dtg kapan aj. cuz, stpamnya gmpang ku kibulin. hihihi xD. tpi, skrg udh ga bisa lagi.skolah ini laen dri yg laen.msuk 7.15.snksi telat bnyak amat.ku udah telat 4 kali. kalo ku sampe telat 25 kali, drop out.=====a #tidakkk

Jumat, 10 Juni 2011


Westlife - Pictures in My Head Lyrics


Thank you for tomorrow
When you?re gonna call me
Thank you for the weekend
When you?re gonna see me
Thank you for the memories
We haven?t made yet
You?ve always been a part of me,
Even before we met
Thank you in advance
For the love you?ll give me
I?ve had a glance of the good life
You?ll be there
When nobody believes me
I?ve gone through it all in my mind

I can see me looking at you
At the start of the day for all my life
I can see me dying to hold you
On the way
When I?m driving home at night
I?ve got these pictures in my head
These pictures in my head, yeah
I?ve got these pictures in my head
These pictures in my head

Thank you for tomorrow
When you?re gonna call me
Thank you for the weekend
When you?re gonna see me
Thank you in Advance
For the time you?ll notice
I?m all you?ve wanted all of your life
Thank you for every single moment
I?ve gone through it all in my mind

I can see me looking at you
At the start of the day for all my life
I can see me dying to hold you
On the way
When I?m driving home at night
I?ve got these pictures in my head
These pictures in my head, yeah
I?ve got these pictures in my head
These pictures in my head

Pictures in my head

Thank you for the best times
Thank you for the journey

Chorus to fade



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