Mengenai Saya

Foto saya
Nama saya Uphy. saya sekarang baru menginjak kelas X di SMA Negeri 2 kota bengkulu. tepatnya dikelas X SBI C. orang banyak bilang sih saya orangnya setia kawan, #keprok-keprok. dan sya ga suka yang ribet-ribet. hobby saya sih dulunya maen catur sama ayah. tapi sekarang ga lagi. karena ga ada waktu buat maen. tugas menumpuk sangat. kadang, udah pulang sekolah langsung bongkar lappy nyari tugas. jam 12 baru tidur habis nyelesein tugas. pagi musti bangun. ga kaya smp dulu. ku bisa dtg kapan aj. cuz, stpamnya gmpang ku kibulin. hihihi xD. tpi, skrg udh ga bisa lagi.skolah ini laen dri yg laen.msuk 7.15.snksi telat bnyak amat.ku udah telat 4 kali. kalo ku sampe telat 25 kali, drop out.=====a #tidakkk

Minggu, 13 Februari 2011


Ada rintihan sejenak merayap digendang telingaku
Kukira berbisik... Ternyata memekik
Lengkingan tajam terdengar miris
Terasa pedih tersentuh perih
Lantunan suara jernih mengalir dari atas sana
Menghempas ribuan semak batu besar yang tak pernah mau dilalui
Yang tak pernah rela dilampaui
Yang tak pernah sudi dilewati
Jejak kaki sang hawa
Melintas jelas dijalan malam
Tapakan 5 jari yang suci tertanam kuat dileher tanah yang subur
Yang ingin kakimu darati
Yang ingin kakimu jejaki
Dimana dia sekarang
Dimana gerangan dia sekarang
Tak sengaja ku terlelap
Di keheningan nafas yang angin hembuskan
Detik, menit, jam, hari menepi
Ku terjaga dipangkuan seorang
Jantungku tersirat
Nadiku berdenyut
Secepat kilat yang merobohkan pohon tinggi di bumi itu
Kuberanikan diriku bertanya
Kuberanikan diriku membiarkan bibirku bicara
Kemana kau selama ini
Kemana kau sejauh ini
Kesana kemari kuikuti jejakmu
Kesana kemari ku telusuri langkah kakimu
Taukah kau?
Mengertikah kau?
Lalu lalang jangkrik berbunyi
Tak sepatah katapun kudengar darimu
Renungku berhadapan dengan parasmu
Kau tetap bisu ditengah tatapku yang penuh tanya
Kau tersenyum kecil
Saatny kau mulai bicara
“Hilangkanlah semua tanya dimatamu”
“Tutuplah matamu”
“pegang erat tanganku”
“Dan bbiarkan bintang yang melekat didinding malam mimpimu yang menjawab semua itu”
Enath mengapa kuturuti maumu
Kutidur dipangkuanmu
Kulelap di belaian halus tanganmu
Jam pasir berdesir kencang...
Menghapus rasa usapan jari yg lembut
Dari seorang
Hawa yang kucari...
Ku sadar..
Itu hanya angan...
Dan,, biarkan aku untuk mencipta hayalan bodoh
Yang enatah kapan akan nyata...

Sabtu, 12 Februari 2011

There's two things I know for sure.
She was sent here from heaven, and she's daddy's little girl.
As I drop to my knees by her bed at night, she talks to Jesus, and I close my
And I thank God for all the joy in my life,
Oh, but most of all...

Butterfly kisses after bedtime prayer.
Stickin' little white flowers all up in her hair.
"Walk beside the pony, daddy, it's my first ride."
"I know the cake looks funny, daddy, but I sure tried."
Oh, with all that I've done wrong, I must have done something right
To deserve a hug every morning, and butterfly kisses at night.

Sweet sixteen today,
She's looking like her mother a little more every day.
One part woman, the other part girl.
To perfume and makeup, from ribbons and curls.
Trying her wings out in a great big world.
But I remember...

Butterfly kisses after bedtime prayer.
Stickin' little white flowers all up in her hair.

[ From: ]

"You know how much I love you, daddy, but if you don't mind,
I'm only going to kiss you on the cheek this time."
Oh, with all that I've done wrong, I must have done something right.
To deserve a hug every morning, and butterfly kisses at night.

She'll change her name today.
She'll make a promise and I'll give her away.
Standing in the bedroom just staring at her,
she asked me what I'm thinking, and I said "I'm not sure,
I just feel like I'm losing my baby girl." Then she leaned over... and gave

Butterfly kisses, with her mother there, stickin little white flowers all up in her hair
"Walk me down the aisle, daddy, it's just about time"
"Does my wedding dress look pretty, daddy?" "Daddy, don't cry."
Oh, with all that I've done wrong, I must have done something right
To deserve a hug every morning, and butterfly kisses..

a every hug in the morning, and butterfly kisses at night...

Jumat, 11 Februari 2011

catch my breath

We were still in high school
When I first met you
Even then you were the prettiest girl
That I ever knew
And we carved our name on
Everything that we could find
The way that all kids do
And although time has passed
I still get surprised
At the pulling in my chest
When I know you're coming by
If this feeling's proving anything
It's not everything
Is gonna change with time
You're still mine

Did you know when you're around
My heart won't it can't slow down
It beats so hard it makes it hard
To catch my breath, to catch my breath

Don't ever ask me if I'm sorry
Or that I'm here with you

Baby you can bet
I don't regret the boy I never knew
Every day's another first
Another chance for me
To fall in love with you

And I do:

Did you know when you're around
My heart won't it can't slow down
It beats so hard it makes it hard
To catch my breath, to catch my breath

Oh.. when you're with me
I stop seeing
Any way to fail how do I explain
I try to tell you what I'm feeling
But how do I when all words fail

Did you know when you're around
My heart won't, it can't slow down
It beats so hard it makes it hard
To catch my breath, to catch my breath

Did you know when you're around
My heart won't, it can't slow down
It beats so hard it makes it hard

To catch my breath, to catch my breath
To catch my breath, to catch my breath
To catch my breath, to catch my brea
